Friday, October 8, 2010

sock making kits and grapsh to think on

Hi All,
Ruth will soon be returning to the studio and putting together ready to go kits to give out to anyone wanting to knit for the project.

If you're still wondering how the climate change part is going to fit in beyond all our strategies of local economy, here are a few images of data that may be incorporated into the socks. I will say that the one I like the most is the simplest, in reflection of the Mallin Head rainfall data over the past 100 years, make one of the socks of your pair 50% longer than the other.

Over the next couple of days this page with be updated with data sets regarding climate change and Ireland, specifically Inishowen where possible. I've added a few images here that might be inspiring. Please feel free to riff off of them and come up with your own interpretation of the how to present the data.

More to come soon!

Thanks to everyone and good luck!

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